Sunday 17 June 2012

Europe debt crisis ; Eurozone meltdown ; A pile of defaults ; Debt cartoon

Tim Burton cartoon inspired. Posted on the day of the Greek elections. The candle has almost melted away, its last embers blowing the sign of the euro in smoke rings. The cobwebs in the corners of the desk represent the tangled webs of debt in the eurozone. The cyber mermaid is sitting amongst pile of default letters. The grinning cheshire cat, bloated and inflated like a floating balloon, represents fat cat executive bonus pay and also tax evasion. In the book, 'Alice in Wonderland', the cheshire cat disappears at will, which begs the question, where HAS all the money gone ?


About Me

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Jane Air is an independent and experimental cyber-writer from the UK. The Cyber Mermaid is Jane Air's first published book. It is a satire on online dating, dating chatrooms and cyberspace.